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Funded by Erasmus+

Teaching Materials

Our strategic partnership created and published teaching materials that can be freely utilized by teachers and learners across the globe. Though the project has now concluded, we are continuing to use this website as a publication channel for miscellaneous resources.

The materials presented here are published under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0) license. This means they can be used and reproduced free of charge for non-profit purposes, contingent on attribution.

Introduction to Uralic Studies

Introduction (icon)

Photo: Jeremy Bradley

This slide set represents a general introduction to the discipline of Uralic studies for students, scholars, and enthusiast with no prior knowledge of Uralic languages and linguistics.

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Etymology (icon)

Photo: Jeremy Bradley

This module constitutes a learning and reference resource on Uralic historical phonology, etymology and lexicology.

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Fieldwork manual

Fieldwork (icon)

Photo: Jeremy Bradley

This volume introduces readers, both from Uralic studies and other linguistic disciplines, into methods of linguistic fieldwork.

You can cite this resource as follows:

Rozhanskiy, Fedor 2021. A Manual of Linguistic Fieldwork. [Release 1.1] Tartu: University of Tartu/COPIUS [published online at]

Open manual


Mari (icon)

Photo: Jeremy Bradley

This audiovisual course on the Mari language complement resources already created by the University of Vienna's Mari Web Project.

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Mansi (icon)


This German-language textbook is an adaptation of the 1960 Russian-language textbook Самоучитель мансийского языка by A. N. Balandin (1911–1972) originally created for Mansi courses at the University of Vienna.

You can cite this textbook as follows:

Riese, Timothy & Jeremy Bradley (eds) 2020. A. N. Balandins Einführung in das Mansische. Vienna: University of Vienna/COPIUS [published online at]

Open textbook


Udmurt (icon)

This still incomplete draft of a textbook for the Udmurt language was created for the strategic partnership INFUSE. You can also download accompanying audio materials, and use our paradigm generator.

You can cite this textbook as follows:

Ganeyev, Igor’ & Yuriy Perevozchikov, Christian Pischlöger, Jeremy Bradley 2018. Марым, лэся… – Udmurt for Beginners. [Release 3.0] Vienna: University of Vienna/INFUSE [published online at]

Textbook Download audio materials Paradigm generator

COPIUS: Lessons learned

Lessons learned (icon)

In this document we recount the most important lessons learned in the course of our project. It is available in our consortium's working languages.

English Deutsch På svenska

Magyarul Suomeksi Eesti keeles

Contact Us

Project Coordination
Prof. Dr. Rogier Blokland

Uppsala University
Department of Modern Languages
Engelska parken
Thunbergsv. 3 L
751 26 Uppsala

Organizational Assistant
Dr. phil. Maximilian Murmann (LMU Munich)

Technical Administration
Dr. tech. Dr. phil. Jeremy Bradley (University of Vienna)

Tobias Weber, M.A. (LMU Munich)

The European Commission's support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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