This slide set represents a general introduction to the discipline of Uralic studies for students, scholars, and enthusiast with no prior knowledge of Uralic languages and linguistics. It was assembled by Bogáta Timár (ELTE) in collaboration with scholars from across our consortium. While the strategic partnership COPIUS – the impetus for the creation of this resource – has formally expired, we hope to maintain these resources in years to come, updating and even adding lessons where it seems relevant and necessary.
What do Uralic studies do? What do we not do?with Johanna Laakso (Vienna)
Languages and language families; The Uralic familywith Jeremy Bradley (Vienna), Rogier Blokland (Uppsala)
History of literacywith Johanna Laakso (Vienna) |
Orthographieswith Jeremy Bradley (Vienna) PDF | Powerpoint |
Finnicwith Rogier Blokland (Uppsala) |
Mordvinwith Sirkka Saarinen (Turku) |
Mariwith Jeremy Bradley (Vienna) |
Permicwith Gerson Klumpp (Tartu) |
Ob-Ugricwith Katalin Sipőcz (Szeged), Elena Skribnik (Munich) |
Samoyedicwith Béata Wagner-Nagy, Josefina Budzisch (Hamburg) |
Project Coordination
Prof. Dr. Rogier Blokland
Organizational Assistant
Dr. phil. Maximilian Murmann (LMU Munich)
Technical Administration
Dr. tech. Dr. phil. Jeremy Bradley (University of Vienna)
Tobias Weber, M.A. (LMU Munich)